Does a United Nations resolution predict a new pandemic in which all humanity will be forcibly vaccinated and the World Health Organization (WHO) will send anyone who rejects its pandemic policies to a concentration camp? No, that's not true: The UN General Assembly Resolution on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response (PPPR) does not predict an imminent global disease outbreak and contains no language mandating vaccination. Moreover, there is no evidence that WHO, the UN's global health agency, is planning to send its opponents to concentration camps.
The claim appeared in a video (archived here) on TikTok on November 29, 2023, under the caption (translated from Hungarian to English by Lead Stories staff): "The Who will lock up those who do not implement their Fascist Dictatorship in a concentration camp."
This is what the post looked like on TikTok at the time of writing:
(Source: TikTok screenshot taken on Wed Dec 13 15:10:42 2023 UTC)
It presents an interview with journalist Árpád Szakács published by the Ultrahang YouTube channel on November 28, 2023, which begins with a discussion of the PPPR resolution. At the 3:02 mark, Szakács says (as translated):
The document stated, as strange as it may seem, that there will soon be a new pandemic, and the only method to defeat this pandemic will be to vaccinate every inhabitant of planet Earth, and we must prepare for this. That's what they passed a resolution on..
Szakács is chief adviser to Dóra Dúró, vice president of Hungary's Mi Hazánk (Our Homeland) party, which is spearheading a petition drive to block Hungary's accession to the WHO's pandemic treaty, which is still in the drafting stage.
The Political Declaration of the United Nations General Assembly High-level Meeting on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response (PPPR), which the Assembly approved on September 20, 2023, and adopted without a vote on October 5, 2023, does not predict an imminent disease outbreak. It simply commits member states to:
implement coherent and robust national, regional and global action, driven by science and the need to prioritize equity and the respect for human rights to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response, and fully address the direct and indirect consequences of future pandemics.
The PPPR does not claim that vaccines are the only way to "defeat" a new pandemic. Article 31 mentions vaccines as an example of the "medical countermeasures" that member states should use to combat a future infectious disease outbreak, but it also emphasizes the importance of therapeutics, diagnostics, drugs and other health technologies.
The closest the document comes to mandating vaccines for "every resident of the planet Earth" is in Article 71, which urges member states to:
Expand vaccine coverage to prevent outbreaks as well as the spread and re-emergence of communicable diseases, including for vaccine-preventable and eradicated diseases as well as for ongoing eradication efforts.
There is also no credible evidence that the WHO is setting up concentration camps for those who oppose its "fascist dictatorship" on pandemics. Szakács does not mention this claim in the portion of his interview shown in the clip on TikTok.
The claim may come from an article published on September 17, 2023, by The People's Voice, a U.S. website with a long history of publishing false stories. It accuses the World Economic Forum, not the WHO, of preparing concentration camps for people who do not conform to the "official narrative" related to COVID-19. Lead Stories debunked this claim in a fact check published on September 19, 2023.
A Google search (archived here) of the keywords "World Health Organization" and "concentration camps" on December 13, 2023, yielded no matching results.
Other Lead Stories fact checks on Hungarian claims about the U.N. can be found here, and Hungarian claims related to the WHO can be found here.