Were 6 million Jewish settlers resettled in Hungary? No, that's not true: According to the country's 2022 census 7,635 Jewish people live in Hungary.
The claim appeared in a video on TikTok (no longer available but archived here) that was published by Ildikó on October 14, 2023, under the title (translated from Hungarian to English by Lead Stories staff):
... There are 6 million resettled Jewish settlers in Hungary. Hungarians are disappearing, Jews are stealing (unlawful eviction) Hungarians' homes and lives.
This is what the post looked like on TikTok at the time of writing:
(Source: TikTok screenshot taken on Tue Oct 17 14:29:18 2023 UTC)
According to the 2022 census, 7,635 Jewish people live in Hungary, down from 10,965 in 2011. The whole population of Hungary is 9,603,634, according to the same census. A recent resettlement of 6 million foreigners would almost double the population. There are no reports that such an increase ever happened.